What should be paid attention to when dispensing electric sprayer?
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What should be paid attention to when dispensing electric sprayer?

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-27      Origin: Site

For the convenience of spraying, many friends nowadays do not prepare the diluent separately when spraying the herbicide, but directly add the herbicide to the electric sprayer, prepare the diluent in the sprayer water tank, and spray it directly after preparation.

However, due to poor mastery of the technology of formulating herbicide diluents, problems often occur during the preparation process, which directly affect the weeding effect.

 In order to improve the control effect of herbicides, the following four issues must be paid attention to during the dispensing process:

1. Formulations of herbicides

There are many herbicide formulations, and different formulations have different formulation methods.

For example, emulsions, water formulations and colloidal suspensions will dissolve and diffuse quickly when exposed to water. For these formulations of herbicides, one-step dilution method can be used, that is, a certain amount of herbicides can be directly added to the sprayer for dilution, and spray after dilution. Shi. This method can be used for 72% Doere emulsion and 90% Hernes EC.

Wettable powders, dry suspension emulsions and other dosage forms cannot be prepared by one-step dilution method, but must be prepared by two-step dilution method: the first step is to accurately weigh the herbicide as required, stir with a small amount of water, and make it fully dissolved to form the mother liquor. The second step is to add a certain amount of mother liquor to a certain amount of water, and then spray it after evenly diluting. 75% dry suspoemulsion, 25% fenthiazole wettable powder, etc. must be diluted by this method, and must not be diluted by one-step dilution method.

2. Prepare diluent

To prepare the diluent in the sprayer tank, you must first add about 10 cm of water in the tank before adding the medicine or mother liquor slowly to the tank, and then add water to the water level to spray. Never pour the medicine or mother liquor into the water tank before adding clean water or after filling the water tank with clean water, because it is difficult to prepare a uniform diluent, which will seriously affect the control effect.

3. Spray the medicine liquid in the medicine box immediately after it is prepared

The reason is that the specific gravity of various herbicides is not exactly the same as that of water. For example, the specific gravity of herbicides is larger than that of water, and the herbicides will sink after storage for a period of time, resulting in high concentration of the lower liquid medicine and low concentration of the upper liquid medicine, which seriously affects weeding. Effect.

4. The diluent in the sprayer should be added to the water level line of the sprayer.

The diluent in the electric sprayer should be added to the water level line of the sprayer, and it must not be filled all at once. If the sprayer medicine box is filled, the liquid medicine in the medicine box is difficult to shake when the sprayer is walking, and the medicine is prone to sink or float, which affects the uniformity of the liquid medicine and affects the weeding effect.

In addition, the liquid medicine is easy to spill from the upper mouth of the medicine box when applying medicine, and drip onto the medicine application personnel, so the liquid medicine in the medicine box must not be too full.