What are the applications of electric sprayers
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What are the applications of electric sprayers

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In plant protection work, chemical spraying is a common method to prevent and control pests and diseases. It is usually realized through sprayers. Sprayers have been powered from the initial artificial power supply, from the use of gasoline engines to provide power to the current use of electricity to spray, after several generations Renewal, technology continues to mature, and the level of advancement continues to improve. Electric sprayers have the advantages of saving time, labor, and convenient operation. Compared with fuel-powered sprayers, they have lower cost, higher efficiency, and a wide range of applications. For example, the pests and diseases of various crops such as wheat, corn, cotton, rice, fruit trees, greenhouses, grapes, tobacco, tea trees, flowers, gardening, etc., can be controlled by electric sprayers. With the development of battery technology, electric sprayers are also moving towards an increase in power capacity and further lightening of the battery. The use time of a charge is longer, and some more intelligent new technologies can be applied because of the power supply. In the sprayer, the quality and control of spray become possible, and the electric sprayer will become the mainstream application of plant protection machinery in the future.

1 Pay attention to improving the wet spreading performance of the liquid medicine

When spraying pesticides, the adhesion of emulsifiable concentrates and oils on plants is stronger, while the adhesion of water and wettable powders is poor. Starting from improving the efficacy, when spraying pesticides such as dimethicone, glyphosate, etc., a small amount of neutral detergent can be added as a spreading agent to improve the wet spreading ability of the medicine. In some herbicides, adding an appropriate amount of ammonium sulfate can increase the spreading ability. For example, after dimethyltetrachloride plus 0.5% ammonium sulfate, the absorption time is reduced from 24 hours to 10 minutes.

2 Attention should be paid to the water quality of the diluted liquid

The hardness, alkalinity and turbidity of water have a great influence on the efficacy of the medicine. Some medicaments lose their efficacy due to their conversion into non-water-soluble or poorly soluble substances. In some saline-alkali areas, the pH of the water is too high, which will neutralize with the medicament, resulting in decreased efficacy or ineffectiveness. Turbid water quality will reduce the activity of pesticides, and will also accelerate the inactivation of herbicides such as glyphosate and paraquat. It is advisable to choose clean water with a neutral pH value for the liquid water.

3 To prevent pesticide poisoning

When the electric sprayer manufacturer sprays, due to the refined production of the nozzle, the degree of solution atomization is better, and the formed droplets are smaller. Light wind can make the fog drift far away. If the protection measures are not appropriate for the operator, the droplets are very easy Into the skin, respiratory tract and eyes, causing poisoning. Operators must do a good job of protection, and at the same time, they must be familiar with the operation process. For drugs with different properties and toxicity, they must be used in strict accordance with the operating procedures. The use of thick mist and fine mist must be determined according to the properties of the drug. Do not change or use it indiscriminately. .